BLU began in May of 2010, when Gertrude discovered that her hair dresser was going on maternity leave. CRISIS!!! She resorted to desperate measures – one that required her to come up with something to cover part of her hair, or at least the gray part, for three months. Thus, the original headband was born.
What began as a temporary solution started a wildfire. Gertrude, in her ever-increasing uniqueness, decided to grab the bull by the horns and go all out with her hair accessories. She scours the globe for only the best of the best in regards to fabric, ribbons, and buttons. She also loves to re-use and upcycle. Doesn’t every good American?
Headbands have turned into jewelry of all sorts - earrings, necklaces, cuffs, special occasion items, and just this week, men's cuff links! It seems as though one idea just spurs on another and another. There is no telling what she may come up with next.
Oh, and all Blu goods are proudly made in the USA.